Saturday, November 22, 2008

He's Home!

Bob came home yesterday, and boy was he happy. When I arrived at the rehab shortly after 9:30 am., he was dressed, and awaiting his release. All that was left was one last blood test result and, of course, the paperwork. Finally, about noon the paperwork arrived and we were finally out of there! After 23 days of hospitalization of one kind or another can you just imagine the feeling of riding in a car, in a upright position, seeing sights that mean more now than ever.
We are blessed to have next door neighbors who planned their day so they could be there to help me get Bob in the house and up the stairs (one step, stop, breathe deep, one step. . .) to the bedroom. Tigger, the old (14yrs) golden retriever followed along. (It's almost has hard for him as it is for Bob). Later, after a little rest, Bob was able to make it down both flights of stairs and then relax in the family room. We are on the mend and SO SO SO SO GRATEFUL. Fun to have family come by last night to welcome him home--they have all been so supportive. Thanks to friends who visited in the hospitals, and especially to Irv Miller who built a new railing by our front porch; so Bob, or anyone else who needs it, has some support getting up the steps to the porch and front door. It's great to have him home, even though it means more work for me for a while.
Blessings: Bob is home, priesthood blessings, family, friends, sense of humor, doctors
Regrets: misgivings about Bob's abilities, impatience, few things that didn't get done
Promises: upward and onward, positive attitude,
I'm putting on my "complaint free" bracelet and I will try my hardest not to have to switch it back and forth .
Love y'all, and, Make it a great day!

1 comment:

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

Let the REAL healing begin! Welcome home Dad!